Selasa, 28 Oktober 2008
street treasure-how they wear animal printed pants
animal print is back! dari dulu sampe sekarang banyak temen aku nganggep aku agak aneh soalnya aku suka pake animal print.
tapi menurutku dari dulu animal printed things are kinda misteriously cool. apalagi kalo digabungin sama any black outfit.
and sometimes we don't get the greatest fashion inspiration from the runway but from the street. okay, di indonesia aku ga
bisa berharap terlalu banyak buat nemuin orang-orang yang pake baju quirky dan mencolok. tapi di luar sana, orang-orang
emang bisa pake apapun yang mereka mau tanpa dapet pandangan aneh dari orang sekitar. animal printed pants mungkin emang
sangat heboh buat dipake disini. tapi semua bisa keliatan keren kalo dipake dengan attitude
all pink up
jadi, aku belom pernah buat styling yang warnanya sama atas-bawahnya (kecuali buat warna item sama abu). apalagi yang all-pink kaya gini. tapi aku loat di chanel cruise show ada yang head-to toe baby pink kaya gini, and i find it's kinda gorgeous. aku langsung coba praktekin dan hasilnya lumayan juga. to work an all-pink outfit, pastiin ga ada warna lain selain warna-warna pastel kaya broken white sama krem. warna gelap-nya cukup di sepatu. acesoiresnya usahain warnanya juga pastel, kaya mutiara.
a bit eclectic
aku ga terlalu yakin styling ini bisa dimasukin kategori eclectic atau ga. tapi kayanya bisa. atau mentoknya bisa disebut
semi-eclectic. warna-warna terang + that unique piano clutch bikin total look-nya playful. buat netralin kehebohannya, pake
topi fedora warna abu.
own predict
okey, aku kasih bocoran fashion items yg menurutku bakal jadi next trend.
so you better wear it now before everyone wears it.

1. Loafer shoes;
yes, loafer shoes, sepatu pantoffel yang suka dipake orang-orang kantoran is in again!
modelnya yang simple dan timeless plus praktis juga gampang banget di-mix match dan masuk
buat setiap suasana. tips: pake kaos kaki tipis warna metalik/bold se-mata kaki to make it a bit smart-edgier.

2. chain necklace
kalung rantai tumpuk-tumpuk udah wara-wiri di fall runway rumah mode ternama kaya Givenchy dan Chanel. well, no wonder cause it's simply cool and very easy to mix. biar lebih menonjol, pake an all-black outfit.

3. bold rings
cincin yang bentuknya besar emang udah in dari lama, tapi kemungkinan bakal lebih menggila lagi ke depannya dan mungkin juga bisa ngegeser posisi kalung yang belakangan ini lebih jadi favorit. skull ring dipastiin bakal naik daun mengingat gaya punk dan glam rock lagi in banget. colorful ring, stone ring dan block ring adalah jenis cincin favorit lainnya.

4. rolled cuffs
inget gimana skinny jeans yang kepanjangan dilipat besar-besar keatas dulu sempet in? sekarang ganti skinny jeans kamu sama boyfriend jeans atau pipe jeans yang longgar dari atas sampe bawah terus lipat beberapa kali sampe sedikit tebel. wear it with checkered flannel shirt.lebih bagus lagi kalo jeans kamu warnanya sedikit belel.

5. black laces
laces is back again and ready to reign! keep it simple with black and white. to add some spice to your laces, pair em with red.
so you better wear it now before everyone wears it.
1. Loafer shoes;
yes, loafer shoes, sepatu pantoffel yang suka dipake orang-orang kantoran is in again!
modelnya yang simple dan timeless plus praktis juga gampang banget di-mix match dan masuk
buat setiap suasana. tips: pake kaos kaki tipis warna metalik/bold se-mata kaki to make it a bit smart-edgier.
2. chain necklace
kalung rantai tumpuk-tumpuk udah wara-wiri di fall runway rumah mode ternama kaya Givenchy dan Chanel. well, no wonder cause it's simply cool and very easy to mix. biar lebih menonjol, pake an all-black outfit.
3. bold rings
cincin yang bentuknya besar emang udah in dari lama, tapi kemungkinan bakal lebih menggila lagi ke depannya dan mungkin juga bisa ngegeser posisi kalung yang belakangan ini lebih jadi favorit. skull ring dipastiin bakal naik daun mengingat gaya punk dan glam rock lagi in banget. colorful ring, stone ring dan block ring adalah jenis cincin favorit lainnya.
4. rolled cuffs
inget gimana skinny jeans yang kepanjangan dilipat besar-besar keatas dulu sempet in? sekarang ganti skinny jeans kamu sama boyfriend jeans atau pipe jeans yang longgar dari atas sampe bawah terus lipat beberapa kali sampe sedikit tebel. wear it with checkered flannel shirt.lebih bagus lagi kalo jeans kamu warnanya sedikit belel.
5. black laces
laces is back again and ready to reign! keep it simple with black and white. to add some spice to your laces, pair em with red.
play flare
to jump for
this mix is so simple. but cool. yah, jumpsuit emang ga bisa terlalu dimacem-macemin. red spotted belt sama sepatu jadi hi-light disini (sepatunya lucu banget!). aku juga suka kalung acrylicnya..
this time is so mixed up

aku nampilin hasil styling aku yang sekarang ga berhubungan satu dengan lainnya. jadi ga ada hubungannya, kecuali mungkin nomor 1 itu lebih buat hang out, nomor 2 buat night parties, nomor 3 buat ngantor/sekolah tapi juga cocok buat jalan, nomor 4 lebih buat jalan. here are the descriptions to the stylings:
1. sizzlin' cool
pink satin top paired with all black. simple but planned. the black vest tones the whole thing one level down.
animal print shoes kasih sentuhan glam yang ga berlebihan dimana outfitnya dibiarin simpel. the tie and the hat give
extra boyish note. mix yang ini stand out tapi ga berlebihan, santai banget tapi tetep edgy.
2. party animal
animal print dress sebaiknya dipasangin sama fashion items berwarna earthy. dan jangan pernah pake accesoires silver
kecuali kalo animal printnya warna abu. this one mix is for the uber confident girls.
3. posh work
mix ini casually profesional jadi cocok buat ngantor, sekolah, juga jalan. layers pas banget buat musim gugur
4. red ribbon
this one is a playful way to wear a sweater dress
well, i've given up..
i give up to write all my posts in english cause sometimes i feel my writing seem to be so monotone when i write it in english. so from now on i'm gonna post in indonesia-lish.. if there are words you can't understand, just ask me.
punk-scout; get's stronger
punk, grunge, (glam) rock.. subgenre dari musik rock yang sekarang jadi fashion theme yang naik daun. aku seorang pendengar musik rock yang udah suka sama style khas dari setiap genre jauh sebelum jadi trend kaya sekarang. berhubung aku baru mulai styling awal tahun ini (pas itu semua udah jadi trend), aku semangat banget bikin styling according to those fashion themes.
mungkin styling aku yang ditampilin di post ini lebih ke punk sama grunge. the rest are still gonna come in any of my post soon.. so, this time i'm gonna scout a bit..

styling description:
1. it's definitely grunge
aku selalu pengen hasilin styling yang ga terlalu girly. i always mix girlie stuffs with boyish ones to make it less girly.
di styling ini, aku pilih floral tank sama army-like vest plus studded shorts (that shorts rock!). accesoiresnya aku biarin
simpel biar ga terlalu rame (plain sneaks, pearl bangles). topi bikin total look tambah cool.
2. stand out acid bleach jeans
tube top yang aku pilih disini motifnya cukup mencolok. aku gabungin sama electric blue bleached jeans yang juga cukup rame.
i toned em down with all black stuffs: black leather jacket, shiny black handbag, and a pair of killer black heels.
accesoiresnya cukup 1 small pendant necklace.
3. tough layer
hi-waist pencil skirt warna merah + white graphic shirt over a striped long sleeves equals a very punk touch.
4. semi-grunge
mix nomor 4 ini kayaknya lebih ke grunge because of that plaid shirt. tapi juga cenderung ke simple boyish. pink lollipop
printed tank jadi kunci feminim disini. long bow tie-nya lucu banget, kasih final touch yang rame tapi ga berlebihan.
mungkin styling aku yang ditampilin di post ini lebih ke punk sama grunge. the rest are still gonna come in any of my post soon.. so, this time i'm gonna scout a bit..

styling description:
1. it's definitely grunge
aku selalu pengen hasilin styling yang ga terlalu girly. i always mix girlie stuffs with boyish ones to make it less girly.
di styling ini, aku pilih floral tank sama army-like vest plus studded shorts (that shorts rock!). accesoiresnya aku biarin
simpel biar ga terlalu rame (plain sneaks, pearl bangles). topi bikin total look tambah cool.
2. stand out acid bleach jeans
tube top yang aku pilih disini motifnya cukup mencolok. aku gabungin sama electric blue bleached jeans yang juga cukup rame.
i toned em down with all black stuffs: black leather jacket, shiny black handbag, and a pair of killer black heels.
accesoiresnya cukup 1 small pendant necklace.
3. tough layer
hi-waist pencil skirt warna merah + white graphic shirt over a striped long sleeves equals a very punk touch.
4. semi-grunge
mix nomor 4 ini kayaknya lebih ke grunge because of that plaid shirt. tapi juga cenderung ke simple boyish. pink lollipop
printed tank jadi kunci feminim disini. long bow tie-nya lucu banget, kasih final touch yang rame tapi ga berlebihan.
can't get enough of..
studded accesoires! i just got two studded leather wirst bands and they rock, really. they just go with anything, i told you, anything. and a studded belt is also something. well, i already wore studded belts since 3 years ago before it becomes a trend. okay, i listen to rock music. i don't wear those studded accesoires just because they're hot right now.
i must say, girls who only listen to all-time beyonce or mariah or even simple plan shouldn't wear these stuffs, actually. NOPE!
the other accesoires i'm also obsessed with is cocktail rings. i have 2 big stone rings and i love them cause they match to almost every outfit i wear. and a skull ring also gives me some hard edge to my feminime look. i always love to give girly stuffs a boyish touch so it's not so boring-girlie..
i must say, girls who only listen to all-time beyonce or mariah or even simple plan shouldn't wear these stuffs, actually. NOPE!
the other accesoires i'm also obsessed with is cocktail rings. i have 2 big stone rings and i love them cause they match to almost every outfit i wear. and a skull ring also gives me some hard edge to my feminime look. i always love to give girly stuffs a boyish touch so it's not so boring-girlie..
Sabtu, 18 Oktober 2008
stolen beauty

this time featuring audrey kitching, the ex gf of panic at the disco's brendon urie has actually a simple style. but she always has something that'll make her total look seems to be very one of a kind. probably because of her big pink hair. and her cool attitude. look at the pics beside, she only wears graphic t-shirts paired with pants. so simple. but all her accsecoires (and the way she wears them all) give all her look the kick. good girl. now we know how to wear boring simple things to equal a 'look-at-me' finish.
i wish i have..

..this kinda bowler hat! i saw one in a boutique in bandung a month ago and i wanted to buy it. but unfortunately i didn't bring enough money to buy it so i thought i'd come back to that shop in a few days after. when i got back to that shop (with enough money on hand) that shit is already gone. fucck
so, i'm trying to style..
- this is one of my newest mix. i like the veil that the models worn at jean paul gaultier or gucci or.. (well, i forgot which one) runway so i tried to put one on my styling and it ended up like this. very eye catching. the red leopard printed veil adds a lot to this all-black and white look. i would wear this outfit when i walk in the city of paris someday.. when will it be?
- i don't really know where i supposed to wear this outfit. but i probably would wear this to a kinda fashion week (hahaa). i'm a bit obsessed with grunge style and i think this mix represents a bit of it. dr martens is just perfect!
- this one is cute. i love the graphic skirt.
- for the edgy front-woman. yes, i dreamt wearing this outfit on a stage singing violet by hole.. *lol*
hey, thanks for entering my blog!
my name is anisa and this is my first blog so i'm still an amateur in this blog universe. i like to play with fashion and i'm a bit obsessed of being a stylist. this blog supposed to be a place where i could 'show off' a bit of my passion obsession.
and this is probably also the place where i can improve my english. my english is still terrible and i'm working to make it a lot better.
well, i hope you'll find any inspiration for your daily look from any of my (up coming) posts..!
my name is anisa and this is my first blog so i'm still an amateur in this blog universe. i like to play with fashion and i'm a bit obsessed of being a stylist. this blog supposed to be a place where i could 'show off' a bit of my passion obsession.
and this is probably also the place where i can improve my english. my english is still terrible and i'm working to make it a lot better.
well, i hope you'll find any inspiration for your daily look from any of my (up coming) posts..!
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